[RFI] 433 Mhz Wireless Thermometer
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 08:12:15 -0600
I believe your posting is the first I have seen in which interference TO
the device, from amateur radio transmitting, is indicated. Being both a
weak signal op (SSB and CW) and FM op on 70 cm has had me wondering what
effects these devices have on (or from) operations in the band. I rather
expect that transmitting at anything greater than QRP levels will likely
result in interference to the receiving device (especially if you run high
power on 432.1 or fast scan ATV). Ed Hare, W1RFI, has indicated that the
transmit devices are relatively clean and stable. Luckily, 433.92 is
well-removed from 433.1, so it is reasonable to expect that our receivers,
typically having good to excellent selectivity, will not be bothered unless
some specific device drifts seriously off frequency or has a very "dirty"
output spectrum.
I would be interested in knowing if any 70 cm ops, weak signal or
otherwise, either have these devices in and around their house or have
nearby neighbors with such devices. Interaction comments would be useful.
Happy Holidays and 73,
Dale, WA9ENA
"Charles Johnston" <ctj92@cableone.net>@contesting.com on 12/17/2001
10:23:27 AM
Sent by: rfi-admin@contesting.com
To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] 433 Mhz Wireless Thermometer
I have had a wireless indoor/outdoor thermometer in use here at my
station. It is from radio Shack and it also operates on the 70cm band
within FCC regs. It is quite nice setup with large easy-to-read
numbers. It is so nice we got one as a gift for my dad.
Since this is the RFI list let me say that if I am on 2M (45w) in the
shack for extended periods it does temporarily disable the unit.....
- photos of this guy on my web site
73 / DX
Charles T Johnston
Prescott, Arizona - U.S.A.
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