[RFI] Apartment RFI problem

NZ8C@aol.com NZ8C@aol.com
Wed, 7 Feb 2001 02:09:55 EST

Hello all!
I am hoping someone here can help us out. My husband and I are both hams. 
Currently we are running an Icom 756Pro into either a random wire or a 
vertical, depending on the band. We live in a 3rd floor apartment which is 
the top floor in this building. The antennas are up on the roof. Because of 
our location grounding is a problem. We seem to have problems using the 
longwire on 40 and 80 meters as we are getting into phones and TVs. On 
10/15/20 meters using the vertical we get into AM radios and phones. Is there 
anything we can do or filters we can buy that can help eliminate these 

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