[RFI] Touch Lighting Problem

Ed - K0iL Ed - K0iL <k0il@arrl.net>
Sat, 2 Jun 2001 07:03:34 -0500

On Saturday, 02 June, 2001 12:35 AM, Jon Ogden [SMTP:jono@enteract.com] 
> My wife and I have just installed some rather expensive kitchen cabinets
> that have low voltage touch lighting sensors underneath them
> It is made by Hera who I believe is from Israel.
> I've been able to get the lamp I am working with clean on all bands but 
> meters at full legal limit.  Here's what I have so far.  All torroids are
> Amidon FT-77 material.

Jon, Were you getting into the lights on all bands?  Or just the high HF 

The RFI book suggests using #75 material for low HF and #43 material for 
upper HF bands and VHF.  Other info says 43 has optimum attenuation from 14 
MHz to 450 Mhz with a peak near 200Mhz.  While it says J or 77 is close to 
75 with its peak attenuation near 6Mhz making it good for MF & Low HF 
attenuation.  73 mtl attenuation seems to peak a little higher than 75 or 
77/-J near 25 MHz so that might be the best to use for 10 meter problems.

> One small torroid has about 15 turns of the touch sensor wire wrapped 
> it.

RFI book also suggest placing a 4K-ohm resistor and a 10-microH inductor in 
series with the "sensing" line.  I've also seen some recommendations for 3 
to 4 millihenrys for the choke so try both if you can and let us know what 

> And no cracks about how I shouldn't have touch sensors and no religious 
> about how I should operate QRP.

Life's too short for QRP!
The world shouldn't have touch sensors, but they do anyway.

Thank goodness they don't generate the packets of HF noise usually created 
by the free running oscillator.  You'd never work any DX!

de ed -K0iL
-.-.  --.-   ....  .-  --  ...   -..  .   -.-  -----  ..  .-..   -.-
           Ed Edwards    --    K0iL
 PO Box 375                        k0il@arrl.net
 Elkhorn, NE 68022-0375       k0il@qsl.net
 496-3415 home   552-5425 work   552-5505 fax
 Visit my web site:  http://www.qsl.net/k0il
 or HDXA's web site:  http://www.qsl.net/hdxa
--... ...--   . ...   --. .-..   - ---   ..-   --- --   ...-.-   . .

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