[RFI] Bugged House - High Freq Baby Monitors?

dgsvetan@collins.rockwell.com dgsvetan@collins.rockwell.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 09:46:53 -0500

Bill brings up a good point that could help to solve the problem.  Most
folks just don't equate "wireless" anything to "radio".  The price they pay
for not having to string a cable in their house for the baby monitor or
intercom is loss of privacy.  A few years back I was doing a little
out-of-band listening with my 2m FM rig.  I found a strong carrier around
149 MHz.  After listening for a bit, I could detect background voices and
sounds that clearly were from someone's house.  I quickly figured that a
neighbor to the east of me (direction of max. sig) had a 49.XX MHz monitor
with a very strong 3rd harmonic.  This is great, if your are a listener, as
there is more deviation to the harmonics and so it is easier to hear lower
level sounds!  No one complained when I made heavy use of 2m FM, so I have
to assume that their monitor was not bothered by my sigs.

I was not a 6m op at the time of the above incident, so I had no way to
monitor the fundamental.  Since KM0T was in the VHF contest, it is highly
likely that 6m operation (if he used that band) would have had bad impact
on his neighbor's monitor system.   Perhaps if his neighbors are made aware
of the privacy loss issue, they'll consider a wired monitor or get a spread
spectrum one (if available).  (If nothing else, they might do more than
just get that "deer in the headlights" look again!)

73, Dale

"WD8ARZ" <WD8ARZ@IX.NETCOM.COM>@contesting.com on 06/12/2001 09:19:27 AM

Please respond to "WD8ARZ" <WD8ARZ@IX.NETCOM.COM>

Sent by:  owner-rfi@contesting.com

To:   <rfi@contesting.com>

Subject:  [RFI] Bugged House - High Freq Baby Monitors?

Another interesting angle is to let them know that others have been
'listening' to the 'broadcast' from their home, and how the mike picks up
very very well at all hours of the day and night. Even the kids in the
neighborhood on some of their walkie talkies have been listening in to what
they think is a radio 'bugged' house...... Hi Hi

If social services ever listened in, would they pass the child abuse
evaluation??? Ugh!

Naw, after a second thought, don't tell them any of the above....... let
of the kids do it.

Ok, ok, something constructive....... what about putting one of the FRS
radios into fulltime keydown (use a external power supply) and listening on
another? Use external power supplies. That would allow them to have
listening locations, and even go outside portable. Wont get rid of the
issues (at least kids with scanners), but will move to another frequency
band and that might be enough to get rid of the rfi complaint. Also most
with FRS radios wont know what frequency to listen to, or what user code is
active. Makes em think they are more private, even though scanners copy
every transmission on every channel regardless...... hi

Another even better idea is to get on of the spread spectrum wireless
phones, defeat the phone line connection/activation, put the base in
vox/speaker/pa mode, and put an external amp/speaker on the remote handset
with a power supply.......... ah never mind, you would have to modify the
thing, and if the Tv ever hiccupped, it would be your fault because of what
you did to the 'electronics' in their house!

Oh well, looks like were back to the Fcc part 15 education.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Duffy" <tduffy@sygnet.com>
To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 5:01 PM
Subject: [RFI] High Freq Baby Monitors?
> Does anyone know if Baby Monitors are manufactured on any other
> frequency than 49 MHz?  A solution might be to have the neighbor use a
> 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz part 15 Baby Monitor....
> 73,
> Tim K3LR
> http://www.k3lr.com

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