[RFI] Touch Light Update #2

EDWARDS, EDDIE J EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <eedwards@oppd.com
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 14:17:40 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jon Ogden 
> I previously told you that I had gotten my problems with my under cabinet
> touch lighting solved on 10m.  However, I hadn't tested any other bands.
> Well, last night I got on 20m and yes, you guessed it - I got into the
> lights.  Every time I keyed the rig, I would step the lights through their
> settings.
> I've opened up one of these gems and there isn't much inside.  The case is
> entirely plastic and it doesn't look like there is anything so much as a
> good ground connection to earth anywhere.  Pete, N4ZR, suggested I put
> bypass caps to ground on all the lines.  That is the point I am at.  Short
> of that, I don't have any other solution.  I also wonder if somehow
> shielding all the circuitry may help.  Right now there is none.  Anyone
> have
> any ideas for adding shielding to a little plastic box?
	How about replacing the plastic box with a metallic one?  I've also
heard about a metallic spray for shielding, but don't know anyone who has
actually tried this successfully.

	Does it happen also on 15  & 40?  I don't remember what mix ferrite
were you using.  73 or 77 or 75? Maybe a combo of two of these might do the

	The ARRL handbook shows a table for Series resonant bypass caps for
various ham bands: 
	7 MHz   --  0.15 microF
	14 MHz --  0.039 microF
	28 MHz -- 0.01 microF

	Hope this helps.

	de ed -K0iL

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