[RFI] Coffee Pot RFI!

Mike Lazaroff K3AIR Mike Lazaroff K3AIR" <k3air@arrl.net
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 18:23:27 -0700

Here's a great (and true!) story about our FD operation this year:

When operating 80m phone, all of a sudden we were overwhelmed with 40 db
over 9 buzzing QRM up and down the band.  The noise was barely audible on
40m, and not at all on the other bands.  It just appeared suddenly, so we
figured somebody turned on something that didn't like 80m.  We checked our
power supplies, laptops, etc., figuring it had to be one of them.  Nope.

After checking all around the campsite, we discovered that when the coffee
pot in the "dining area" was turned on, the RFI appeared.  When it was off,
the RFI was gone.

We survived just fine without (hot) coffee.

Anyone else ever experience this???

73 and hope everyone enjoyed Field Day,
Mike K3AIR

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