[RFI] Coffee Pot RFI!

Pete Smith Pete Smith <n4zr@contesting.com>
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 21:37:43 -0400

At 06:23 PM 6/26/01 -0700, Mike Lazaroff K3AIR wrote:
>Here's a great (and true!) story about our FD operation this year:
>When operating 80m phone, all of a sudden we were overwhelmed with 40 db
>over 9 buzzing QRM up and down the band.  The noise was barely audible on
>40m, and not at all on the other bands.  It just appeared suddenly, so we
>figured somebody turned on something that didn't like 80m.  We checked our
>power supplies, laptops, etc., figuring it had to be one of them.  Nope.
>After checking all around the campsite, we discovered that when the coffee
>pot in the "dining area" was turned on, the RFI appeared.  When it was off,
>the RFI was gone.
>We survived just fine without (hot) coffee.
>Anyone else ever experience this???

Sounds like a close cousin to the electrically-heated dog dish we
discovered at a neighbor's house.

73, Pete N4ZR
No, no ... that's WEST Virginia

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