[RFI] Re: Logitech Cordless Keyboard/Mouse

David Hildebrand David Hildebrand <daveh@nbnet.nb.ca>
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 09:35:33 -0400

I have been using the Logitech cordless mouse (not the keyboard) for several weeks and have
experienced no problems. I run a Kenwood TS-870 and an Ameritron AL-80B amplifier.  I also
have  rig control, rotor control and packet  interfaced with my logging program and am
experiencing no conflicts or interference what-so-ever (touch wood!).

"Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Digest" wrote:

> Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Digest Wednesday, March 21 2001 Volume 04 : Number 028
> In this issue:
>     [RFI] Logitech Cordless Keyborad/Mouse
> See the end of the digest for information about rfi-digest
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 14:50:49 -0800
> From: "Dan Violette - KI6X" <danki6x@pacbell.net>
> Subject: [RFI] Logitech Cordless Keyborad/Mouse
> Anyone using the Logitech cordless keyboard and mouse (is it
> iFreedom?)?  I seem to get from Logitech that they operate a few kHz
> +/- of 27.000 MHz.  This scares me with 1000 W at the ham
> frequencies.
> Dan KI6X
> - -- Dan Violette    Amateur Radio: KI6X   E-mail: danki6x@pacbell.net --
> ------------------------------
> End of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Digest V4 #28
> *******************************************************
> --
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Dave Hildebrand (VE9AV)

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