[RFI] Flat screen monitors easy on RFI?

Dick rbodine@cpinternet.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:20:09 -0500

I reported some tests I conducted with LCD/Flat panel monitors a few
weeks ago and since then I've added two more.   The test conditions are
anything but scientific, just my transceiver sans linear using a TH6 and
shunt fed tower located about 100 feet from the shack, and a low, 160
meter dipole fed with 450 ohm twinlead.   That latter has been my bane
with the current Dell Trinitron monitor.  I tested two NECs, an LCD1525
and LCD1700M+.  Both were clean, didn't hear a peep from either.  A
Gateway FPD 1520 was also clean.  A few days ago I had the opportunity
to test a Dell 15" (don't have the model number but it was probably what
they provide as a standard LCD) and there was one birdie but it wasn't
too significant nor near as bad as my current Dell.

I have a JVC boom box that sits above my Dell monitor and on AM it's
almost impossible to listen to because of the racket the monitor makes.
None of the LCD monitors were perceptible on that radio when I tested
it.   Another problem I have is RF getting into the computer via the
monitor.  Again, the LCD was clean.  As an aside, another ham (who will
remain nameless but suffice to say, he's well known) told me he uses
NEC1530 LCD monitors at his contest station and are not having a bit of
trouble with them.

Based on what I've seen so far, I think my next monitor will be one of
the models I've tested.  I like the display of the NEC 1700M+ but it's
pricey.  The others had very nice resolution as well, I think the
Gateway and Dell were a hair sharper than the NEC of similar size but
not sure I want the smaller format.

73, Dick

Dick Bodine, N0IM
Duluth Minnesota