[RFI] RE: feeder coupling (was Computer RFI problem)

Cortland Richmond ka5s@earthlink.net
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 14:19:46 -0700

Sounds to me as if folks are talking past each other here.

We run a dipole feed off at right angles to the antenna to minimize RF on
its shield. 
Each half of the dipole induces a current on the shield, and by maintaining
to the dipole, the induced currents from each half cancel.

If we run a feeder away at a right angle from an end-fed dipole such as an
R7000, it 
is closer to one end of the antenna than the other, and current due to the
radiated from that end will not be cancelled by current induced by the

But a linear antenna of ANY length has a radiation null along its axis, and
by running 
its feed line away from the antenna along that axis, we avoid inducing
shield current 
due to radiated energy.

--- Cortland Richmond
--- ka5s@earthlink.net
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.