[RFI] RFI resistant telephones

Jim Shaw Jim@shawresources.com
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 08:42:20 -0800

I have two of the Panasonic gigrange cordless phones and both had RFI
problems until I put Radio Shack phone line filters in each one right at the
base.  Only run a hundred watts here output but somehow that was a problem.

My phones are single line models more than three years old (got them when
the gigarange models first came out) so maybe they fixed the issue in the
later models. Not sure.

Would suggest whatever you buy, be sure you can return.

73 de Jim WA6PX

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-admin@contesting.com [mailto:rfi-admin@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Peter's Mail
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:05 AM
To: 'Edward F. Douglass'; rfi@contesting.com
Subject: RE: [RFI] RFI resistant telephones


Panasonic Gigarange (two-Line) and they have a single line 2.4 GHz
wireless with all the features one might want -

Tested with full legal limit 1.8 MHz - 12. GHz NO interference 0000

I tried many filters internally and with the Telco b 4 I came across
these phones.

Now my wife is happy when I'm running DX or a contest and she is on the

$150.00 - $250 depending on model



> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-admin@contesting.com [mailto:rfi-admin@contesting.com] On
> Of Edward F. Douglass
> Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 10:54
> To: rfi@contesting.com
> Subject: [RFI] RFI resistant telephones
> I am new to the list.  I have read the last few month's "traffic" but
> not found a thread dealing with telephone RFI, and RFI-resistant
> telephones
> in particular.
> As part of my diagnosis, I need an RFI-resistant telephone in order to
> determine if phone company equipment (lightning arrester, RF bypass
> capacitors, or other devices) are rectifying my transmit RF and
> audio on the phone line.
> All of my phones are sensitive to RF because in spite of a variety of
> chokes and filters, I hear my SSB audio on every phone.  Some are less
> sensitive than others but they all have objectionable audio on them.
> course, the audio could be coming from phone company equipment or
> in
> my phone wiring as well as my own phones.  If either of these
> no
> amount of filtering or choking will solve the interference problem.
> The ARRL RFI tech site mentions the Radio Shack ET-171 as a phone that
> pretty resistant to RF.  However, my Radio Shack catalog no longer
> this model.
> I am aware of the "bullet proof" phones from TCE Laboratories and Pro
> Distributors but they cost $80.  I would like to find a less expensive
> test
> instrument.
> Can anyone recommend a phone that I could buy at a WalMart, Target,
> Shack store (or similar) that is RF resistant?  Please specify make
> model.
> Or does someone have an RF resistant instrument that I could borrow
> testing purposes?  I would be willing to pay shipping both ways.
> Finally, has anyone found that re-wiring their residential phone
> with Category 5e data cable has made a significant improvement in RF
> pickup
> to make the cost and effort worth while?
> 73 de Ed, AA9OZ
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