[RFI] Noise gone but don't know why
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 16:54:15 +0000
An update on the power line noise situation:
Several months ago I described noise at my qth which was both corona noise
and lower voltage pulsing (arc noise) which was coming in at about S6 to S7.
I managed to do some DF work and think I've got it down to a set of poles
near my house. A few weeks ago I stopped by the City Electrical Dept. on my
way out of town to simply try to find out the name of someone to talk to--I
wanted to begin with a casual discussion if possible, of things like what
kind of df equipment they have, let them know about my problem and that I'd
be in touch with them upon my return and have a contact to call. A
secretary took down some information and I left on my vacation trip with the
name and number of the senior engineer. When I returned about a week ago
and got on the air last weekend the noise was totally gone. It's been great
and I've been really enjoying the HF bands since then.
Here's the problem (actually more of a puzzlement): I called the Elect.
Dept. and talked to the senior engineer to find out what they had done.
Apparently they hadn't done anything--the problem seems to have taken care
of itself. The only thing I know is that during the past 3 or 4 weeks it
has been blazing hot and no rain here but I don't see how that kind of wx
could help the situation. Anyone have any ideas? I'm glad to be enjoying
the great condx but I'm a bit irked because I imagine that as soon as the wx
gets too cold and crummy to work on the lines the noise will return. I'd
almost rather have a constant problem that can be attacked rather than an
intermittent one that will vanish the moment the crew is out about to climb
a pole.
Rob Atkinson
St. Charles IL
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