[RFI] Re: alarm system RFI - Test Results

Peter's Mail wb3fsr@comcast.net
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 22:41:09 -0500


Boy - you gave me an idea of another item to check at my QTH - Always
tracking noise sources here by the Jersey shore.....

Who owns the hardware?

If they do not respond in a reasonable way, I would call into the
organization's President or VP and lay it on the line - If they turn a
deaf ear, you'll drop them like a hot potato - The alarm business has
many competitors that would love your business.  

Let's hear what hardware/manufacturer you're dealing with model number
etc.  Sounds like one to stay away from.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-admin@contesting.com [mailto:rfi-admin@contesting.com] On
> Of Marc Ornstein
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 22:21
> To: rfi@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [RFI] Re: alarm system RFI - Test Results
> Well folks - the results are in.....drum roll please-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> It was the alarm system for sure.   Killed all primary and secondary
> to the system this evening and guess what I found out?   75 meters
> actually
> has people Qso'ing and atmospheric noise....who could have imagined.
> Turned power back on and all heck broke loose again - S9+ buzzzzzz.
> to be even more certain, I took my Yaesu FT-817 QRP rig around the
> with just the rubber duck attached, tuned to 75M and did a little
> The buzz coming off of the control wires that are exposed, the keypads
> especially the main control unit is just phenomenal.   My HF antenna
> outside, at least 40 feet from my shack and 25 feet from the house,
> although
> the coax does run along the concrete foundation of the house.  I would
> guess
> the noise is making it in via the coax.   Definitely not through the
> lines.   Maybe even at the antenna, in which case that's one heck of a
> radiated signal from the alarm.
> Called the alarm company, explained to a not very bright (though
> courteous)
> Customer Service person in very easy to understand language the whole
> scenario.   After a 10 second pause, he said let me put you on hold -
> lasted almost 10 minutes.   At that point he came back on and said he
> needs
> to speak to another technician about it and call me back tomorrow, but
> doubts there's anything they can do about it if my alarm system is
> what it's supposed to and thanked me for calling.
> By the way, the control unit box has no verbage anywhere indicating
> it
> complies with FCC regs.   I also noticed that the only ground is the
> box in which it's housed!
> Anyway, it looks like it will be a continued uphill battle with the
> co.  For a quick fix, I may just try one of the noise cancellation
> -
> either the MFJ or Timewave until such time that I have the time to
> with
> chokes.
> Pheewwww.   Thanks again to all who provided responses, advice, etc,
> either
> privately to me or to the list.
> 73,
> Marc, WB2JUF
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