[RFI] Shielding

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Sat, 09 Nov 2002 01:37:45 -0800

Great info Keith.

To find

MIL-STD-188-124 search for MIL-STD-188/124. Its only 41 pages compared to 812 pages for 419

73 de Jim Smith	VE7FO

Keith Blackburn wrote:

>If you don't mind slogging through a lot of government-ese, MIL-HDBK-419 and
>MIL-STD-188-124 both contain extensive discussions on bonding, grounding and
>shielding.  They're large (multi hundred page) documents, but can be
>downloaded in PDF format from several sources on the web if you have a
>reasonably fast internet connection or lots of time.  Try
>.http://assist2.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/ . Type the spec number above into
>the "document ID" field.  