[RFI] Could DSL or cable TV leakage be mistaken for power line noise?

John Pelham John Pelham" <john@radiophile.com
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 11:56:37 -0500


Your description, and the sound sample you provided, sound like power-line
noise to me.  I had (and to some extent still have) a problem similar to
yours.  My noise was only on 15M through 6M, and even sometimes on 2M.  It
was never audible below 15M.  I tried driving around, and it seemed to come
from everywhere.

You put it succinctly when you said your power company has "neither the
resources, know-how, or interest to track this down."  My power company is
the same way.  You have two choices:
1. Force your power company to get the resources, know-how, and interest.
It is their legal obligation.
2. Make a power-line interference finder, and find the source yourself.
Hopefully then you can get your power company to take a look at a specific

I chose option #2.  I bought a 3-element 2M yagi, and lashed to it a 2M HT
that can receive AM.  With this setup, I found the source of my interference
within just a few minutes -- it was the power pole nearest my house, about
100 feet away.  I understand, from a response I got on this list a couple of
years ago when I asked for help on my problem, that when interference is
audible on high frequencies and not low frequencies, it often means the
source is very close.  This was certainly true in my case.  I told the power
company, and they came right out and did something (I never found out
exactly what) but my interference from that pole disappeared.

I said "interference from that pole" because with the strongest source taken
care of, I find that there is at least one remaining, weaker, source still
present.  Like the first, it's not audible below 15M, so I expect it to also
be nearby, although not a close as the first one.

73, W1JA

John Pelham
E-mail    john@radiophile.com
Antique Radio Web Site    http://www.radiophile.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wiley Sanders" <wsanders@wsanders.net>
To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 7:06 PM
Subject: [RFI] Could DSL or cable TV leakage be mistaken for power line

> Hello all,
> I am pretty much off the air these days on 20 through 10 because of
> interference from what I have assumed up til now is power line noise. It
is S5
> to S9 24 hrs a day; generally stronger during the day and worst on hot
> Since a recent windy day, it's come back again S7 in spite of the now-cool
> weather. I've tried tracking it down with my mobile 10m rig - it's equally
> intense everywhere within about 1/2 mile radius of my house, wherever
> are power lines. Surprisingly, the noise is not present on 80 or 40.
> My ANC-4 is useless against this noise since the noise comes from
> at once.
> There is an MP3 format recording I made on the web at
> http://www.wsanders.net/10m-cont.mp3
> PG&E has been out to the house once but they have neither the resources,
> know-how, or interest to track this down.
> The sound is awfully like power line noise, but by chance could I be
> cable TV or DSL line leakage? Would cable TV have a 60/120/harmonics sound
> it, or would it sound more like a video buzzsaw or garbled FM station?
> Thanks to all on the list.
> -Wiley KF6IIU
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