[RFI] Sony TV Noise Generator

Peter's Mail wb3fsr@comcast.net
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:49:42 -0400


I'll echo Ed's experience....

Last year I purchased a big Sony WEGA flat screen something between
$2-3K.  As I traced internal home generated RFI vs. utility I found the
Sony generating RFI from 13 MHz to 16.5 MHz while turned on.  No RFI
when turned off.

After many hours on the phone with Sony customer service, they provided
a list of "Factory Authorized Repair Shops" to call and schedule
service.  Then came the un-pleasant experience of explaining the
situation eight more times to the TV repair shops.  Most had no clue
what I was talking about with only one exception.  Of course, the only
one who had a vague idea of what I described had no equipment to measure
radiation at these frequencies.

No fear I have my own spectrum analyzer and an IFR service monitor with
which I can demonstrate the problem.  The Sony repairperson ordered a
new HV module, which he claimed, fixed a number of issues with the Sony.
Two months later, he replaced this mysterious module, no small feat with
Sony TV 300+ pounds and TV repairman 300+ pounds both spread across my
entire living room.

The moral of the story not a single decibel of difference @#$%#$%^#$&
<-- replace with choice words.

The Sony continues to spew RFI out as well as accepts RFI in.  I would
like to build a few W3NQN brute force AC filters if I could only find
schematic/parts list.  They are excessively pricey for me now that a
third party marketer markets them.  

Best of luck to you - If you can take it back you may have better luck
with another manufactory.


Peter D. Vouvounas      Ofc: 732-701-1130
98 Meridian Dr.
Brick, NJ 08724
Mailto:  wb3fsr@comcast.net 
InterActive 2way: wb3fsr@imcingular.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-admin@contesting.com [mailto:rfi-admin@contesting.com] On
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 09:54
> To: Bob Farkaly; rfi@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [RFI] Sony TV Noise Generator
> My advice: SELL IT!  If it's new, take it back.  And try a Panasonic.
> My moderately priced (~$300) Panasonic is clean as a whistle and
> even pick up RFI.  I only have an AC surge suppressor on my Panasonic.
> I had a similar Sony trinitron XBR model that put out a tremendous
> broadband signal.  Only difference was mine at least stopped when
> off.  I never was able to eliminate the noise even after $100+ worth
> external and internal filtering.  I was even allowed to talk on the
> phone about it with a Sony engineer who was a ham.  I was only able to
> clean up the incoming RFI (audio rectification) using internal
> You expect more from a $750 set.  The power supply is a switcher with
> very poor EMI design (that's the Sony engr's words!), and eventually
> was the death of my set when the PS died.  The closer it got to
> the stronger the PS noise got.
> Sorry I can't be of more help, but a bad design to begin with leaves
> little room for improvement.  Since yours is ON all the time, I'd
> it's either the switching PS or the Remote Control circuitry.  Either
> way, it'll be a bear to eliminate, if it even can be at all.  Try
> the antenna farther and farther away from the set to see what happens.
> You might be able to get far enough away to attenuate the noise,
> assuming you have the AC filtered so it's not being re-radiated by the
> houses AC wiring.
> 73,
>  de ed
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Farkaly
> While waiting patiently for my upcoming battle with the City of Poway,
> CA (Poway does not recognize PRB-1), I put up a sloping "J" antenna
> 20 meters. It works better than I would have expected. Anyway,
> on 20 meters shows a noise level at S9+10. Sounded like constant AC
> noise. First, checked outside (for about 5 minutes) without finding a
> possible source. Checking the in-house circuits, I found the Sony
> KV-35V68 television in the family room to be the culprit.
> The noise is there with the television power switch off or on. The act
> of unplugging the appliance reduces the 20 meter band noise level from
> S9+10 (which I cannot live with) to S2 (which I can live with).
> I have tried a Radio Shack AC power line filter, but it had zero
> Searching the Web (with Google) gave me no help.
> Any advice on how to tame a Sony TV would be welcome.
> =============================
> Bob Farkaly, K9RHY
> Poway, CA 92064
> =============================
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