[RFI] Re: Support?
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
k5uj at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 13 18:19:32 EDT 2003
Thanks you guys. The model followed doesn't matter as long as the basic
goals to, 1. have a plan ready, and 2. make it really easy for everyone to
come through, are met. People who want to help have to be rounded up,
communication methods arranged, then when a new threat is emminent everyone
has to be given something to submit with easy instructions so decision
makers hear from hams in a way that the hassle is taken out of it for hams.
the current problem is that the ECFS while much easier than the old paper
way, is still bewildering to some folks, and they don't understand the whole
process and the huge number of correspondence categories the FCC has.
From: Dave Hachadorian <k6ll at juno.com>
To: k5uj at hotmail.com
CC: w5jbp at arrl.org
Subject: Re: [RFI] Re: Support?
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 07:52:08 +0000
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 13:57:42 +0000 "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ"
<k5uj at hotmail.com> writes:
(Relating to Broadband over Power Lines)
> unfortunately I suspect a lot of hams either don't think it's that
> big a
> deal, are not HF operators and don't think they have to care about
> it, or
> think someone else will take care of it.
> It's too late to set this up now (or maybe not) but perhaps ARRL
> should
> consider setting up a grass roots ham organization like what the NRA
> has. I
> understand any time some new proposed gun regulation looks like it
> might
> have legs, the NRA calls, faxes, emails its members who respond by
> calling,
> and writing legeslators. If we assume BPL won't be the last massive
> widespread attempted invasion of our spectrum allocations it might
> be wise
> for someone at ARRL to write a tutorial in QST on how to comment to
> FCC,
> what the process is, etc. so we don't have these botched filings,
> and set up
> a network involving the membership. It would work like this:
> Members who
> wish to volunteer, would be placed on a contact list with their
> preferred
> communication--it might be phone no., email addr., postal addr., fax
> no.,
> whatever. Everyone would be assigned specific legeslators at all
> levels
> depending on the particular threat. so for example since I live in
> Illinois, I'd have on my list the IL congressman from my district,
> senator
> etc. with their phone nos., email and postal addrs. and so on, along
> with
> the FCC. When needed, we'd all get the message to contact these
> people,
> with a suggested text or we could make up our own with it as a
> guide. NRA
> does something like this and it is quite effective I understand.
> While we
> don't have their numbers, we might get several thousand responses
> instead of
> a few hundred, and more important, they would be sent to the right
> people
> and filed correctly because we'd be more coordinated, organized and
> have
> better instructions. just a thought.
> Rob Atkinson
> K5UJ
This is actually an excellent idea.
Perhaps it could be patterned after www.moveon.com, which is
a highly effective and growing group related to furthering a
more liberal political agenda. Member input can be as simple
as "signing" an electronic petition, or can be more involved,
such as initiating letters to the recommended politicians/bureaucrats.
They also encourage members to solicit new members, which would
work exceptionally well in the Amateur Radio community, and would
include ARRL non-members.
Effort expended by the ARRL in setting up and riding herd on this
program would be highly leveraged, since member inputs would be
effectively organized and on-target.
Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Big Bear Lake, CA
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