[RFI] BPL reply comments

Kris Mraz kilo.mike at gte.net
Sat Aug 23 02:43:12 EDT 2003


I want to publicly commend the ARRL, Chris Imlay, Ed Hare and any
other supporting cast members for an excellent Reply To Comments filed
on August 20. Very logical and convincing. I also want to commend
Cortland Richmond for his many Reply Comments to the various BPL
advocate comments. Well-reasoned and with a touch or wry humor not
found elsewhere. If you haven't taken the time to read these comments
please do so. You will be enlightened. Thanks also to the members on
this list who took the time to file comments.

I was particularly incensed at advocate comments brushing off amateur
radio concerns or implying that since most comments from hams had
no technical content that the FCC should ignore them. 

Here's the list of advocates filing Reply Comments.

Phonex (I'm still plagued by interference from their PLC system).
Enikia LLC
Homeplug Powerline Alliance
Southern LINC
Current Technologies (Read this to get your blood boiling).
Mitsubishi (They're doing the infamous Japanese BPL experiment).
Power Line Communications Association
Michigan Public Service Commission
IEEE Power System Relaying Committee

Even though the Reply Comment period has expired its not time to 
rest, yet. I plan on writing to my congressional reps as well as
the congressmen who have signed on to support the Amateur Radio 
Spectrum Protection Act of 2003 to explain what BPL is all about.
See http://www.arrl.org/govrelations/arspa.html for the list of
House and Senate cosponsors.

Please, do your part.

Kris N5KM

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