[RFI] UPLC media release on BPL

EDWARDS, EDDIE J eedwards at oppd.com
Mon Aug 25 15:44:00 EDT 2003

Does anyone know what the UNE Decision was?
Maybe I ought to ask the UPLC...
  de ed -K0iL

For Immediate Release
August 22, 2003

For More Information Contact:
Mark Gedris
Marketing Communications Manager
mark.gedris at utc.org

Broadband Power Line Provides Alternative for Last-Mile Access After UNE

WASHINGTON- In response to the decision by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) to eliminate regulations that require the Bell
Companies (BOCs) to unbundle their networks for competitive local
exchange carriers (CLECs) and data competitors (DLECs), the United
Telecom Council (UTC) and United Power Line Council (UPLC) believe that
it is now even more critical that the Commission further encourage
utilities to provide last-mile access through technologies like
Broadband over Power Line (BPL). 

"When the dust settles after the 576 page decision is fully reviewed, it
will be clear that last-mile access will be hindered," noted UTC & UPLC
President/CEO Bill Moroney. "Utilities to the rescue. Through BPL,
utilities can deliver high-speed Internet connectivity over existing
electric distribution lines and bypass the BOC's network." 

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 encouraged utilities to enter the
communications marketplace and provide commercial, wholesale and retail,
services. Broadband over power line is a new technology that will enable
utilities to provide a range of commercial services, such as high-speed
Internet access and home networking, while also enabling utilities to
improve the reliability and efficiency of electric services to their

Both UTC and UPLC continue to believe that BPL provides a viable
alternative last-mile access platform for high-speed services, and
utilities are the only ones with the resources to compete with the
incumbents. The associations urge carriers and customers to support
policies that encourage utilities to provide last-mile access through
BPL and other technologies. 

Founded in 1948, the United Telecom Council (UTC) represents the
telecommunications interests of electric and gas utilities, water
companies, gas pipelines and other critical infrastructure entities,
along with their technology partners. UTC is a global federation of
direct business members and affiliated trade associations representing
over 10,000 organizations serving all corners of the world and virtually
every community in North America. More information is available at

The United Power Line Council (UPLC) is an alliance of utilities and
technology partners that - in substance and form - drives the
development of BPL in a manner that promotes members' common interests
and provides members an equal stake in their success. The UPLC was
established in 2002 as an independent operating unit of the United
Telecom Council (UTC) and is an evolution of UTC's Power Line Telecom
Forum (PLTF) that was created in 1998 with a similar mission. More
information is available at www.uplc.org.  

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