[RFI] Unknown Signal

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sun Dec 7 11:29:01 EST 2003

Someone might send Riley an email and see if this is an intruder. The FCC will be
able to tell very fast.

Tim K3LR

STRutledge at aol.com wrote:

> I am hearing it in Memphis, TN.  It is S1 on my TS-850S which is my noise
> floor today.  I can't get it to come up or change in strength by rotating my F12
> C3E.
> A lot of this stuff has been traced to the AWACs (airborne early warning)
> aircraft that are continually operating over the US with VERY high powered
> radars, etc. these days.
> Steve, N4JQQ
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