[RFI] Re: [TowerTalk] electric fence qrn

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Dec 8 22:12:54 EST 2003

Hi Bill!

Can you tell us the make and model number of your fencer that is quiet?
That would really help many of us with "noisy neighbors"!

Thanks and 73,
Tim K3LR

Bill Turner wrote:

> On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 19:39:09 -0600, Mark Brown <kb0pyo at direcway.com>
> wrote:
> >I have a new neighbor who has horses and put up an electric fence. It is
> >giving off an s9+ pulse on the lower bands and is hearable on 2m ssb when I
> >point that way. Any suggestions to fix it? I confirmed it is the fence and
> >the neighbor is willing to work with me to fix it.
> _________________________________________________________
> You might see if he could change over to a constant voltage power
> supply instead of the pulse type.  I have one on my fence right next
> to the house and it is totally quiet.
> --
> Bill, W6WRT
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