[RFI] finding stray RF

Germino mgermino at inreach.com
Sun Feb 9 10:39:46 EST 2003

> A month of two ago, someone made reference to a device that could be used
> to detect stray RF in and around a ham shack.
> The construction of such a device was described in an issue of QST.
> Can anyone give me the reference to the construction article?
> With thanks de Ed, AA9OZ

February 1999 Page 34
An RF Current Probe for Amateur Use
By Steve L Sparks, N5SV

There has been at least two projects in QST.  I don't know how this one
compares to all the others.  I built this one and have been happy with it.
This project is quick and simple, however, it only gives relative readings.
On mine I added a connector to put a small wire antenna to be able to also
use it as a relative field strength meter.

It is very interesting to be able to see the RF on wiring and cable.  I have
a phone in the shack that has never given me any problems with RFI, but
there was still RF on the cord that was connected to the wall.  What was
really interesting was seeing the difference in RF on the cord by putting a
filter at the wall and then moving it to the phone.  It wasn't what I had


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