[RFI] Re: Quiet Monitor on sale again

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Tue, 07 Jan 2003 15:14:24 -0500

At 10:57 AM 1/7/03 -0800, Wiley Sanders wrote:
>I have a Mag 17" flat panel ($400 at Best Buy if you go through their 
>rebate charade) and it seems pretty quiet on all bands, especially when 
>compared with the crappy cheap power supply in the PC, which is a bad 
>QRMer even when the PC is off. I have to turn it off at the power strip. 
>My Linksys router is also trouble on 40, radiates from the ethernet 
>cables. But on 10 and 15 I can even contemplate keeping the PC on while 
>operating, something I have never been able to do with a 
>CRT.                                 -Wiley KF6IIU

The Corcom/Qualtek rfi-filtered AC power inlets are a good cheap fix (or a 
help, anyhow) for the power supply problem -- check out Mouser 
562-848/03/7, for <$5.  The PS in an ATX supply continues to run unless you 
switch it off at the power strip or the back panel.

73, Pete N4ZR
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