[RFI] High Pressure Sodium Street Light

Jason Hissong jhisson1@columbus.rr.com
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:32:26 -0500

Hi guys,

Ever since installing my Hexbeam, I have noticed noise levels that are very
high (S9 on 10 Meters with the preamp on).  It is directly north of the QTH.
I have all the details (and sound samples) on my website.  Read through the
ARRL material and I think I have it localized to a high pressure sodium
street light.  The weird thing is that when I am right next to the light,
and pointing the directional antenna upwards, I don't get any noise
(136.00Mhz on my scanner, AM)  However, when I am 100 feet away, and point
it in the direction of the light, I get the noise, but pretty faint.

Anyways, I have the details on my webpage... just looking for additional


Once I can confirm it, I will call the power company and go from there...
wish me luck!! :)


Jason Hissong