[RFI] RFI to Auto Start
Sandel, Kyle W
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 11:18:16 -0600
I am considering the purchase of an auto start unit to make the Alaskan
winter mornings at bit more comfortable when jumping in my un-garaged
pickup. I run 100 watts out on 80 through 6 meters, 50 on 2M and 25 on 70
The most common starter units being sold here are made by Davis Security and
Astro Start. Their web sites have no information on frequencies or modes.
The professional installation shops tell me the Davis unit operates on AM
and the Astro Start on FM but no frequency information. I've contacted both
manufacturers requesting this information and am waiting for replies from
My question, does anyone have practical experience with interference to such
units from HF, VHF or UHF amateur transmissions? I can envision the unit
engaging the starter or worse on key down.
Thanks. Kyle AL7J
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