Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Sun Jan 26 12:23:54 EST 2003

At 10:55 AM 1/26/03 -0600, W9RPM wrote:
>Hi, Can anyone give me any input on buying a 17" LCD Flat monitor? Thanks-

First of all, consider whether you really need a 17".  I bought a 15" and 
was pleased to discover that the viewable area is almost the same as a 17" 
CRT.  I was able to switch from large fonts to small fonts, and the 
substantial increase in the size of DOS text on the screen makes VGA mode 
really practical for me in TRLog for the first time.

That being said, prices of LCDs have finally started downward, and industry 
projections say the market in 17" LCDs this year will, for the first time, 
be larger than 15" LCDs.  So this is a great time to be thinking about 
buying them.

So far the best prices I have seen are on www.tigerdirect.com.  I recently 
got a 15" MAG LT565 with built-in speakers for $199 after rebate (which 
will be 2-3 months in coming!)

73, Pete N4ZR
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