[RFI] 160 Meter RFI Help Needed

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Jan 26 22:44:33 EST 2003

>Hi folks.  I have a problem with RFI on 160 meters.  I just put up a 1/4 wave
>sloper on my 65" Rohn 45 tower at the 35' level.  It is fed directly to an
>Ameritron switch-box at the base of the tower.  I have a C3E, CC D3W and
>yagis for six, two, 222, 432 and 1.2 on the tower as well as a Diamond
>vertical and inverted vee for 80/40.  So, the HF stuff all goes through the
>switch box.  The UHF/VHF goes direct to the shack in my attic via 7/8" to
>1/2" Andrew Heliax.  Tower is grounded with an eight foot rod on one leg.  It
>hasn't been up very long.  I get NO RFI of any sort on any other bands, even
>when using amp.
>The 160 meter sloper is getting into the two control panels on my home
>security system.  Anything over about 30 watts causes the "beep" in the two
>panels to "beep."  You should hear CW.  I am guessing and a friend is telling
>me that the RF is coming down the outside of one of my pieces of
>I don't even have a clue where to start.

Sure you do - you've identified that you need some clues! So go and get 

Build or buy a clip-on RF current probe, and use it all around your 
system. When you actually *know* where the unwanted currents are 
flowing, and how big they are, you'll be very close to solving the 

73 from Ian G3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
                            Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'

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