[RFI] stealth RFI

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 16 10:36:52 EDT 2003

Let's not forget that even good, balanced radials do radiate. 
It's only in the far-field that their RF becomes negligible.
AC wiring near radials WILL couple RF from them.

And you can get a nasty burn off the end of a resonant radial.


Michael Tope <W4EF at dellroy.com> wrote:
> story house. The TV is upstairs which puts it right under
> the counterpoise for my vertical. Adding a bunch of ferrite
> beads to the coax that runs between the CATV wall outlet
> and the TV seemed to help (I used Amidon type
> 77 material), but it didn't get rid of the problem entirely. I
> also added more radials on the roof in order to help create
> a shield between the antenna and the electrical wiring in the
> attic. I started with 2 tuned radials on each band (10, 15,

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