[RFI] 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz RFI (maybe)

Tom Cox tomcox at iquest.net
Mon May 12 15:39:16 EDT 2003

As I should have mentioned, this is a point-to-point system of wireless
bridges, not a point-to-multipoint system as is commonly thought of in
digital wireless applications. These links are on rooftop or tower mounts,
from several feet above a building roof to over a hundred feet up a tower,
connected with high-gain, narrow-beam antennas. The 2.4 GHz links connect
smaller buildings to one, central "hubsite" in the area, which uplinks the
smaller buildings to a backbone at 5 GHz. What I need is a way to discover
and locate RFI at 2.4 and 5 GHz that is (or might be) interfering with the
system. I hope this makes my situation a little clearer. Sorry about the
incomplete description. 

Tom, KT9OM

At 02:10 PM 5/12/03 , you wrote:
>Could be a leaky microwave oven in the kitchen or cordless phones, etc. 
>Might try a booster or relocating  the WAP.
>Tom Cox wrote:
>>What is out there for searching the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. wireless data
>>spectra for an interfering signal? We have erratic link drops that are
>>suggestive of RFI, but no equipment for detecting it. Our school
>>corporation's wireless WAN is really suffering. 
>>Tom Cox, KT9OM
>>Anderson (IN) Community Schools
>>tomcox at iquest.net
>>RFI mailing list
>>RFI at contesting.com

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