[RFI] A Serious Threat...PLC

Dale J. dj2001 at mn.rr.com
Fri May 16 13:47:35 EDT 2003

Be sure to write the FCC about this.  Voice your concerns.  I have also 
sent this information to several other hams who do not belong to the 
ARRL so they are aware of the situation.  It's important to get the 
word out now.

May the force be with us hams.

Dale, K9VUJ

On Friday, May 16, 2003, at 12:09 America/Chicago, WA2BPE wrote:

> And this despite what tests in other countries have shown.  
> Considering how
> poorly the majority of power companies maintain their lines, this is a
> serious debacle knocking at our doorstep that is virtually guaranteed 
> to
> screw up 2 through 80MHz even worse.  $$ and politics are all that 
> count;
> to Hell with the physics and the collateral damage!  The real answer
> (ultimately) for broad band is fiber to the home (or at least the 
> curb).
> Yes, 80%+ of the population have access to cable, but it is a skewed
> statistic - look at the distribution/concentration on a map and you 
> will
> see it is all metro & suburban.
> Sorry, really irritated - just in time to screw up the weekend.
> 73,
> Tom - WA2BPE - FN12
> "EDWARDS, EDDIE J" wrote:
>> Fyi:
>> Broadband PLC access was a major "theme" at this year's UTC Expo last
>> week in Houston.
>> UTC (United Telecomm Council) is a national association and frequency
>> coordinator for utilities.
>> There is a lot of interest in this among utilities for obvious 
>> reasons.
>> Sorry to say, I was there but didn't get to attend any of the sessions
>> on BPLC since my company sent someone else for those sessions while I
>> was busy in other sessions.  The guy they sent has zero background in
>> telecommunications!  Go figure.
>> 73,
>>  de ed -K0iL
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: WX5L
>> A serious situation is upon the amateur radio hobby.
>> PLC is short for Power Line Communications, a new way to
>> provide broadband internet over existing power lines. It
>> has the very real potential to radiate harmful RFI as is
>> now seen in Japan where it was recently implemented.
>> To add to the concern the FCC has declared PLC as a top
>> priority for it's Office of Engineering and Technology
>> calling PLC's potential "immense" offering consumers
>> access to broadband  services from any room in their home
>> by simply plugging an adapter in the nearest wall outlet.
>> You can bet PLC advocates will be lobbying the FCC hard so
>> in turn amateurs should also be heard making their
>> concerns known about radiated RFI.
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