[RFI] HF RFI From Toshiba 32A42A 32" Television

N6KJ kelly at thejohnsons.ws
Wed Oct 29 12:57:52 EST 2003

I had very similar noise from my Mitsubishi 35".  The noise was S5 or S6
on twenty meters.  It was broadband and sounded like typical line noise.
I was able to eliminate it with about 5 or 6 ferrite beads on the
video input line.  I only wish I could eliminate the TVI that my rig generates 
when operating 40 and 80 meters.  The only thing left is to enclose the TV
or open the chassis and shield stuff inside.  

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 07:32:39 -0500, "Linden, Mike (BRC-Hes)" wrote:

>   I recently became aware that the source of HF RFI I've noticed lately is
> coming from my own Toshiba 32" television. The noise is VERY broad-banded
> and sounds very similar to normal HF background noise. I wouldn't have even
> known it was the TV causing it except for the fact that it stops when the TV
> is turned off.
>   The noise is about S-7 on my Kenwood TS-930SAT on 15m running a dipole in
> the attic of my two-story house. The noise level falls-off, but is still
> present, as you move away from 15m (the effects are still noticeable on 10m
> and 20m, just weaker). When the TV is turned-off, the noise level on 15m
> falls back to S-2/3 depending upon where the VFO is (I may still be getting
> some noise from my PC and its monitor). The TV is on the first floor
> probably about 15 to 20' directly below one end of the dipole in the attic.
>   I indent to try the standard routine assuming that the noise is exiting
> the TV common mode on the various cables. I'll try removing the RG-59 cable
> feed, putting a brute-force line filter and/or ferrite choke on the power
> cord, try removing all of the RCA cables going to the VCR, DVD, stereo
> amplifier, etc. However, my concern is that the noise is simply radiating
> from the internals of the TV and choking/filtering the heck out of any
> external cables is not going to help.
>   Does anyone out there have experience with these sorts of problems on
> Toshiba sets?
>   Thanks, Michael N9BDF
> PS  The "Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act" (HR 1417)
> and the "Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act" (HR 713 & S. 537) have been
> reintroduced in Congress. Please contact your Congressmen to ask for their
> support of these bills! See the following ARRL link for details:
> http://www.arrl.org/govrelations/
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