Patrick A. Thompson Sr. wa4tukhr at comcast.net
Thu Oct 30 22:00:17 EST 2003

I had a Philips that did the same thing when connected to the grounded catv
cable. The set was without a doubt defective in this regard. It would wipe
out any broadcast reception within a hundred feet of home.  When I returned
the set after only 2 or 3 days I tried twice to explain the problem and was
met with blank looks. My last explanation was that the <insert expletive>
thing shocked me!

I'd find a reason to return the set that didn't bother my conscience too


> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Van Fair
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 7:11 PM
> To: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: [RFI] TV RFI
> I have a new 40" Sony and it transmits and S7 signal  to battery
> radio over 200 feet over the whole 20 meter band with all inputs
> and outputs removed except power and the power has a brute force
> filter and RF filters on the line.    Sniffers say the RF is
> coming from inside the box. Sony was contacted all the way up the
> line and refuses to even look at it. Says its meets FCC
> standards. END OF DISCUSSION!!!   Don't buy a SONY.  Van W4GIW
> By the way recent reports show that most all Plasma screens
> produce bad RFI. Take a battery driven  receiver with you to
> circuit city to check before you buy. NOT a bad idea for any
> appliance purchase now days.  Most manufacturers know the FCC is
> toothless and the only thing they do to comply is put on the sticker.
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