[RFI] high noise level

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 11 18:09:13 EDT 2003


1/4 mi. away from power lines may be close enough to pick up corona noise, 
which sounds more like hash.   corona is more likely to come from high 
voltage lines.  In the u.s., distribution lines in a town would not be HV 
and would therefore not likely produce corona and would instead generate the 
pulse type noise more commonly associated with ac line noise.   take a look 
at the lines -- HV will not have direct service lines to customers.

If it comes and goes it may be wx related (temperature, rain) since outdoor 
condx. can affect arcing.
If your quad direction does not affect noise level you are probably getting 
it on an undesirable path (common mode) and as Tom Rauch says the baluns and 
grounding may help.   I'll second killing the a.c. to your house--that's the 
first thing to do.  Run your rig off a car battery and kill all the power to 
your house and see if you still get the noise.  If you still get it, it has 
to be outside somewhere.  If you don't, then you have it made--it's 
something inside and you can control it.   All you have to do is turn things 
off and on, wiggle wires and generally mess with your electrical items until 
you find it.

You can locate power line arcing outside by using a VHF AM receiver (one 
that receives aircraft communications for example--some ham HTs do that) and 
a hand-held directional antenna such as a 4 or 5 element yagi.  Some 
practical advice:  This is not for the shy--walking around my town wearing 
headphones and waving a yagi around (especially at night) got me the fisheye 
from the local police but it also got a neighbor interested in ham radio and 
he's licensed now : )

73 & GL
Rob Atkinson
St. Charles Illinois

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