[RFI] High noise level....

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Wed Sep 10 12:17:23 EDT 2003

In a message dated 9/10/2003 9:38:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
woly at wimpley.freeserve.co.uk writes:
Since putting up my new antenna (2 ele quad) i have got a very high noise 
level on 20m. Wether the antenna is at 25ft or 50ft it is just as strong at 
anywere between S5 and S7. This is worst when beaming to the West. The noise is 
worst on 20m, but it still is there on all other bands (10-20m) but the noise 
blanker on my ft847 gets rid of it on those bands except 20m.
I wonder if there is any filters or something i can make or purchase to get 
rid of the noise. As you can imagine this amount of noise drives me crazy when 
trying to work anything from the west. Or is it something i will have to put 
up with??

It sounds like you have something to the west of you that is generating the 
noise.  It could be powerline, doorbell transformer, lighting, etc.  You will 
have to hunt it down, or at least isolate it as best as you can before you can 
take action to eliminate it.

Here is what I'd suggest:  Get a VHF AM receiver and go hunting for it.  I 
use my 2m/440Mhz radio in my car to do this.  It has the "aircraft band", which 
is AM, and is ideal for searching out sources of noise.  Or you can use the 
MFJ 852 Power Line Noise Meter which is made exactly for this purpose.  Using a 
broadcast band AM radio is possible, but you will probably not be able to 
isolate the noise closer than a city block or so. The higher in frequency (ie., 
VHF) you can listen on AM, the more precisely you can isolate the noise.  

If you find that the noise is maximum near a power pole, record the pole 
number (on a plate on each pole), and report this to your power company.  If you 
find that the noise is max at a neighborhood house, approach the neighbor in a 
friendly manner and explain the problem.  In the case of a suspected doorbell 
transformer, you can advise that it could be a potential fire hazard and 
should be fixed.  Having the portable MFJ 852 is invaluable in these situations.

This will get you started.

Let me know if I can help further.

73, George, K5KG

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
941-400-1960 cell

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