[RFI] NYT f.p. story re broadband demand

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 19 10:51:42 EDT 2004

The front page of today's New York Times (19 April) has a story reporting 
that a large number of dial-up internet users have no interest in broadband 
access.  the story is backed up with at least one Pew survey and may be 
useful in refuting the FCC notion that there is some sort of widespread 
mandate for extensive broadband service.

Many users are reportedly content with dial-up access, are not interested in 
the hassle and expense of making the switch (some dialups are 5 or 6 
dollars/month), do not perform any high data demanding activities (large 
downloads, gaming, streaming audio/video etc.) and do not want to be 
vulnerable to hacking and viruses due to being connected all the time and 
object to being pushed by the industry into getting something they don't 

Rob Atkinson

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