[RFI] Ferrite Loops

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Mon Aug 16 12:40:10 EDT 2004

> I will have the MFJ 704 LP Filter inline, I thought I should go one 
> step further and put some beads on the transmit coax. In hope of 
> stoppping any RF on the sheild of the coax. I am using double 
> braided coax. Maybe I should get on E-bay and buy 2 bags of the 
> 100 count split beads for tv caox and give them to the other rv'ers 
> that receive any TVI and call it good? hi hi.
> Rod kc7vqr

The beads will do no good for other RV'ers.  They are suffering interference for one of two reasons:

1) Your rig is radiating a harmonic or other VHF spur on the TV channel they're watching.  The LPF will take care of it.
2) Their TV is overloading from your strong nearby signal on HF, no matter how clean it is.  They need to install a high-pass filter on the RF input of their TV or VCR or whatever is used as the tuner. (If they are using a DVD or VHS player as the tuner, the TV is just used as a "baseband audio/video" monitor.)

If they are receiving interference on just one or two channels, it's a harmonic.  With a LPF, your troubles should be over.

If they are wiped out on all channels (most likely), it's overload - buy them a RadioShack filter.  These are cheap - get a bunch.  Don't try to convince them their TVs and VCRs are junk (even though it's their fault), but tell them it will reduce interference from all kinds of things like illegal CB'ers and AM broadcast antennas.  Put one on your TV and tell them it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

You'll also meet the chronic complainers that won't be satisfied ever.  Give them a metal colander with a bungie cord.  Tell them to wear it all the time so the aliens or gummint (pick the one most they're most likely to be suspicious of) can't read their thoughts.  Wish them a good day and close the door.

73, Ward N0AX

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