[RFI] BPL in Canada

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 6 14:39:34 EST 2004


Part 15 is the part of the Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations
whicch governs unlicensed intentional, unintentional and incidental radio
frequecny emitters in the USA. A good way to explore it is via the US
government link below.



> [Original Message]
> From: Bert Almemo <balmemo at sympatico.ca>
> By the way, what is Part 15 and what does it refer to? I fear the worst.
> This is big business and the lobby is very strong. I'm surprised of the
> of comments from other Internet service providers like telephone and cable
> companies, which are going to get fears competition from BPL.

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