[RFI] My power line noise problems, revisited

WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Sat Feb 7 14:53:43 EST 2004

> Several responses discussed how old, deteriorating, poorly maintained
> equipment can be the problem.  But those writers must have missed the part
> of my post where I stated that the problems started when the utility
> replaced everything with new stuff.  "All the lines, insulators,
> transformers, even some of the poles and pole locations were brand new," I
> said.  Actually I'd guess that _all_ the poles were replaced with new.
> to this day all the hardware looks great to my (admittedly unskilled) eye.
> There's no visual sign of any deterioration or poor maintenance of
> So I won't be taking any "pictures of damaged insulators and document
> visible rf arcing at night, rf burns on poles and hardware, damaged rotten
> poles" as one reply suggested.  The stuff all looks pristine to me.  It
> all brand new in 1996.  I live in a relatively rural area in the
> so road salt (or coal!) is nowhere to be found.  Tree branches are
> well trimmed.

After a 2 year battle with the local power company, we are finally making
some headway and it appears the cause
is perfectly good, functioning equipment. The problem are the lightning
arrestors. The utility sent a "expert" up from down state and
as soon as he saw the arrestor on the pole, he said that it needed changed.
The foreman balked at the idea because there was nothing wrong with it.
The other fellow stated they are know to cause RFI and it needs changed. I'm
not sure the brand (I'm trying to find out) but the expert referred to them
as MOV arrestors. He then drove around and discovered 4 or 5 more in the
immediate area. Per the foreman, his boss wont them him change them if they
are working.  They found a bad one that they said was "a mile away" but
actually as the crow flies, it's only about 1/4 mile. They are scheduled to
return this week and check it out further but don't assume because it's
"new" equipment, that it cant cause a problem.

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