[RFI] Re: Some interesting BPL info

Wes Attaway (N5WA) wes at attawayinterests.com
Sat Feb 14 16:51:07 EST 2004

Following is the text of an e-mail sent to my friend Skip,
W5GAI, from Bob Logan, NZ5A.  Bob works for Austin Energy
and has some interesting comments regarding BPL.


This is terrific news!
Texas and Austin could lead the nation in anti-BPL
Folks who understand the technology and how to create
legislation might want to
collaborate with ARRL on this.
Skip W5GAI

"Logan, Bob" wrote:

> I am Manager of Contract Management at Austin Energy.
Part of my
> responsibility now---and my total responsibility for six
years prior to
> 2003---is to develop, negotiate, recommend for award, and
manage pole and
> tower attachment contracts for telecommunications.  I
thought it might be
> useful to give an insider's view of BPL from an
implementation standpoint
> and, from it, to suggest a course of action for Austin
hams.  The FCC has
> less to do with final telecommunications policy here than
you might think.
> *       Any company wishing to implement BPL over Austin
Energy wires will
> have to come through my office to get a contract and
through the
> Telecommunications and Regulatory Affairs (TARA) Office to
get a franchise
> agreement.  To get a franchise agreement, they have to be
certified as a
> public telecommunications carrier by the Public Utility
Commission and then
> pass muster through a City Council vote.  If they are a
B2B carrier only,
> they have to get a "master license" from TARA and a
contract with Austin
> Energy.  The only step bypassed is the PUC certification.
The actions
> described here are viewed by some as obstacles to finally
getting BPL over
> our wires, although we try very hard not to be
bureaucratic for the simple
> sake of doing so.
> *       Remember that it is broadband interference we are
talking about.  As
> such, the interference looks to be a problem not just for
hams but for a
> number of other entities as well.  For example, the 32
attaching companies
> the City now has under contract through my office to
deliver cable
> television, high-speed data, telephony, and information
services such as
> Internet will not rest easy if their service delivery is
affected by
> interference.  It will not sit well with Time Warner, SBC,
> Communications, AT&T, MCI, and the remaining companies.
These fellows have
> much deeper pockets than a little start-up company, and
they will go after
> them legally and politically.  I had a breakfast meeting
this morning with
> one of the Big Three here in Austin on this very issue.
It also will be a
> problem for schools, hospitals, nursing homes, government
institutions and
> for emergency responders such as fire, police, EMS, and
Street and Bridge
> departments.  For Austin Energy, it was be an area of
intense concern since
> we have over 2300 miles of lines dedicated to internal
controls over vital
> functions such as the Energy Control Center and energy
dispatch.  An
> internal technical group here is responsible for
> communications over these lines and they are looking at it
with jaundiced
> eye.  We also have an initiative to install wireless meter
> throughout the City, which could be interfered with.  Each
entity will have
> its say, and some are expert lobbyists.  So these could be
obstacles for any
> BPL company to overcome.
> *       The State of Texas is exempt from FCC regulation
> telecommunications policy.  It was a states rights issue
in the early 80s
> when Reagan started to decentralize federal control.  We
are one of the few
> states that actually opted out of mandatory FCC regulatory
control when it
> came up for vote.  Rather, the legislature adopted FCC
rules as
> "guidelines". That is the actual word in the law.  Here,
the state
> legislature reserves the right to develop, pass, and force
> telecommunications regulations and law.  The legislature
satisfied the
> Federal constraint of due diligence by affirming that the
public remedy was,
> first, to elected City Councils such as we have here in
Austin and, second,
> to the Public Utility Commission, which is appointed by
elected legislators.
> It puts its own twist in things because it has the right
to do so.  The two
> laws from the last legislature that mandated the first
sweeping changes in
> telecommunications policy since 1986 were Senate Bill 7
and House Bill
> 77---both written by primarily Bell and, to some extent,
Time Warner
> lobbyists.  The companies have a lot more influence than a
start-up company
> or an untested but large entrant to the field.  And they
both provide
> services over wires and wireless attachments at great
investment.  Neither
> will be favorable to leaving stranded assets behind should
BPL overtake
> them.  They will oppose BPL on commercial grounds at
least.  They are
> obstacles too.
> *       The City of Austin is chartered as a home-rule
city by the State.
> Part of its charter says that the City reserves to itself
any rights not
> pre-empted by the State.  Thus, it can take a general law
like HB 77 and
> codify it into City Code describing how it wants to manage
> parameters and controls for telecommunications policy.
The result is two
> ordinances called Chapter 18-7 (wire attachments) and
Chapter 18-8 (wireless
> communications devices) in the City Code.  Any contract I
let has to conform
> with the requirements.  There is no provision for BPL.
Any change to
> parameters and controls promulgated by the ordinances has
to go to Council
> for a public vote, no more frequently than every two years
from filing.  Of
> all City departments, the ordinances, particularly Chapter
18-7, give only
> Austin Energy the authority to manage pole attachment and
> communications for public use.  We can delegate it to
other City departments
> but so far they do not want it.  In fact, I just concluded
> interdepartmental agreement with a major enterprise
department that allows
> Austin Energy to manage their telecommunications
contracts.  The process of
> getting a change in the ordinances and especially of
getting it all the way
> through a 4-3 Council vote is itself an obstacle.  Most
assuredly, Time
> Warner, Bell, and Grande will oppose strongly any attempt
by a company to
> put a $50,000 device in a line as their lone investment
and steal customers
> away from a plant that cost them upwards of $500-600
million for starters
> and a billion dollars fine-tuned.  Third, to get a project
implemented in an
> asset-sharing contact with a City department is also
subject to many
> controls peculiar to the specific department.  The
ordinances, particularly,
> Chapter 18-7, specifically prohibits departments from
letting contracts that
> endanger the public safety and welfare or harm a
department's fiduciary duty
> to provide core business services.
> That Austin and the State have a municipal and state power
to write its own
> laws and ordinances regarding telecommunications suggests
that substantial
> action could be taken which might be more effective than
simply lodging
> complaints with the FCC.  Locally, an umbrella
organization representing the
> local ham community could take a position in writing and
start to make the
> City's elected officials first aware of it and then City
management.  The
> organization could re-write or modify the language in the
ordinances and
> brief that to City Attorney's Office.  It could move on to
TARA to discuss
> franchise agreement provisions and then to a tailored
presentation to
> specific City departments with telecommunications
interests after that.
> Finally, it could move to form an alliance with the bigger
> telecommunications company with local presence.  It will
take time and
> should be done systematically.  Whatever you may think of
City government
> (and I created most of the jokes),  , Council members and
City management do
> listen to small, persistent groups with detailed, specific
proposals that
> are more technical than political.  As for a state effort,
I'm sure the ARRL
> knows State level much better than I do and has an
organization in place to
> deal with it, so I won't suggest an action plan there.
> I think it is not too early to start.  I have been
approached by six
> companies since October about doing a BPL test on our
lines, and one has
> been fairly aggressive.  They have been forwarded to
various offices in an
> attempt to help them find exactly the right person to talk
> Bob, NZ5A

----------- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -----------
  2048 Pepper Ridge, Shreveport, LA 71115
   (318)797-4972(office) 864-9883(pager)
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