[RFI] Re: Topband: Local noise environment

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Mon Feb 16 22:06:18 EST 2004

From: "Doug Waller" <NX4D at comcast.net>

> At Buzz City, Florida, a 50 kVa line passes within one half mile of the
> house.  When the summer air conditioner season begins, the power company
> throws in a capacitor bank, which corrects the power factor.  These
> capacitors, which look like large transformers with several cooling fins
> only one wire out the top, generate a plethora of harmonics and nasty
> noises.  The background noise level is raised 5 dB or so on 160m, but
> listening to it on AM does not reveal a power hum, but more of a frying
> sound.


What is it about those capacitors banks that generates so
much noise? In principle I would think that a capacitor wouldn't
generate any extra noise unless there was some arcing going on
in there, or am I missing something fundamental?


Mike, W4EF............................

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