[RFI] w8wwv- noise75.mp3, RFISERVICES

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Sun Feb 22 20:43:33 EST 2004

Gee Dale, I thought everyone knew that the Maytag repairman got so bored 
he got his ham ticket.  Now he spends most of his time hunkered down out 
of sight inside a washing machine working low-band DX.

73 de Jim Smith   VE7FO

dj2001 at mn.rr.com wrote:

> On the subject of devices putting out rfi, I have a recording of our 
> Maytag washing machine signal on 75m.  I'd like to know what the heck 
> in a washing machine that would put out a signal like that on 75 m. 
> ham band.  If anyone is interested I can email the mp3 file.
> Dale, K9VUJ

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