[RFI] Can you identify this noise?

Bill Turner wrt at dslextreme.com
Sun Jan 11 10:49:54 EST 2004

On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 12:12:53 -0600, K4RO Kirk Pickering wrote:

>I have a new noise in the neighborhood which appeared
>about a month ago.  It caused a real problem during the 
>recent ARRL Ten Meter Contest.  The noise is present from 
>about 27.8 to 28.1 MHz, and it pretty well wipes out 10m CW.  
>The noise seems to be there most of the time, although I 
>have noticed some random periods when it is not present.
>You can listen to a sound clip at the link below.  I would
>appreciate any ideas on what the source might be.
>-Kirk  K4RO


The pulsing on and off is a little unusual, but the basic noise sounds
like ordinary power line arcing.  Some direction finding is in order.

Bill, W6WRT

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