[RFI] RE: Broadband over Power Line (BPL) radio interference

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Jul 16 10:49:40 EDT 2004

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 07:37:15 -0700, Ward Silver wrote:

>My response to this argument has been to say that hams are acting as
>"canaries in the coal mine", tipping off the public and corporations to the
>problems of this technology before it becomes pervasive enough to do real
>harm.  Just as the sport fishermen and duck hunters helped raise awareness
>about water pollution a generation ago, we are doing the same for spectrum
>pollution.  Whether or not amateur radio and sport fishing are critical to
>society is not the point, but irreversible and needless loss of spectrum
>used by important services certainly is.

YES!  And it is precisely BECAUSE we are the caneries, and that we are VOCAL 
canaries, that we are so critical to society. 

I'm not one to quote scripture, but there is a particularly relevant verse that goes 
something like (depending on the translation) "if you have done it to the least of 
them, you have done it to me."  This is something that we all must live by if we are to 
survive as a species. 

Jim Brown  K9YC

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