Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at comcast.net
Wed Jul 21 14:01:01 EDT 2004

I have to agree with K4IA's assessment, if it could be demonstrated:

Far more impressive is
"This frequency is used for long range aircraft communication.  Here  is
it is supposed to sound like (cut to video of clear reception --  preferably
with real time communication occurring).  Here is what is sounds  like with
BPL (cut to video of noise)."

The PROBLEM with it, however, is that HF SSB for aircraft navigation is
principally for trans-oceanic flights.  So BPL in Gander, NFL, or Shannon,
would be a big problem.  But continental US comm's are AM in the 120-140MHz
PROBABLY unaffected.

It would have to be demonstrated that 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 22 MHz comm's for
AIRCRAFT OVER THE ATLANTIC would be disturbed by radiation from power lines.
If ENOUGH of it got going, that might be the case.  The problem is, mobile
aircraft stations at a distance aren't going to know what they're hearing.

jimjarvis at ieee.org

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