[RFI] Re: Baby monitor

Mark - AA6DX aa6dx at pacbell.net
Mon Jun 14 18:09:24 EDT 2004

Hmmm .. I have 2 Realistic "FM CORDLESS ROOM MONITOR"s ... One in front of
me uses 49.86 & 49.89.
Pretty close to the Magic Band .. but, my 736 ICOM does not get interference
on receive.   I use the monitors for listening to the NASCAR races while I
do honey-dews, etc .. and, the swap net(s), and  .. monitor for 6M openings
while doing normal non-ham things.  These are essentially baby monitors, in
a brown and tan paint job VS pink and/or blue...I bought both of them at
yard sales many years ago, both work swell.   Would not that be something,
that a neighbor with a scanner would hear a 6M opening that I missed!
HihIhIHi....... Can't think of a single person hereabouts that could/would
be listening, and .. if they were, so what.  San Diego .. diff deal! San
Diego is 775 miles from Eurkea, and still in the same state!    I have been
going to put a pad, etc. in the audio input AND connect direct, no mike, but
found it is more handy to simply put the xmt unit near the speaker, turn the
speaker down so as to get the max fidelity, and tell the XYL not to give me
any verbal whuppins for a while!  Hah ..BTW, my scanner does pick up baby
monitors, but I VERY seldom check out that band of frequencies.   And .. if
I wished to not adhere to FCC regulations, I could use my IC-736 -- 1ØØ
watts ... on that fq and get some real coverage!    =|;?}
73, Y'all--- Mark, AA6DX  EUREKA, Far Northern California
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <N6CW at aol.com>
To: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 11:16 AM
Subject: [RFI] Re: Baby monitor

> In a message dated 6/14/04 9:00:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> rfi-request at contesting.com writes:
> << Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 17:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
>  From: "N6KJ" <kelly at thejohnsons.ws>
>  Subject: [RFI] Baby Monitor Advice
>  To: rfi at contesting.com
> <<  I need to find a new baby monitor.   >>
> Kelly,
> That RFI is doing you a favor. It is very easy for anyone with a receiver
> capable of receiving 49-50 Mhz to pick up baby monitors and portable
phones that
> operate in that frequency range. With a good antenna, or just sitting
> in a car, it is easy to pick up conversations within a 1/2 mile, or
> range. Sensitive baby monitors can pick up conversations throughout the
> Think about that...
> I don't know what other frequency baby monitors operate on, but unless you
> are out in the country and have no nearby neighbors, I would get rid of
the 49
> Mhz monitor anyway.
> Terry/N6CW

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