[RFI] Naval RFI coming .....

Mark - AA6DX aa6dx at pacbell.net
Wed Jun 16 13:12:38 EDT 2004

Hmmm --- did somebody say "woodpecker"?  Mark AA6DX
Navy Tests New Combat System
Story Number: NNS040615-08
Release Date: 6/15/2004 11:28:00 AM

By Cmdr. Joe Murphy, U.S. Alaskan Command Public Affairs
ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska (NNS) -- A new combat system is being
tested during the Alaskan exercise Northern Edge '04 in June.

Used for what is commonly known as "jamming," the Improved Capabilities
System III (ICAP III) overloads specific hostile communication bandwidths,
causing users to temporarily lose service.

"Training and testing of ICAP III is a stepping-stone for the Navy," said
Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic Ron Szpynda, Air Test Evaluation (VX) 9.
"This is the first time we have used this system."

VX-9's EA-6B Prowlers are being used to test the system. The aircraft
provides protection for strike aircraft, ground troops and ships, by jamming
enemy radar, electronic data links and communications.

"The system floods an opposing bandwidth with more frequency than those
operating systems release," said Cmdr. Jim Winship, VX-9 branch head. "This
causes users to temporarily lose service. Everything from telephones to
sophisticated electronic equipment goes static, because the jammer can
overwhelm the frequencies they use."

More than 9,000 Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Guard service members from
units stationed in the continental United States and the Pacific theater
have come to Alaska to participate in the joint training exercise.

For more news from around the fleet, visit the Navy NewsStand at

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