W0UN -- John Brosnahan
shr at swtexas.net
Sat Mar 6 20:00:14 EST 2004
At 04:07 PM 3/6/2004, Pete Smith wrote:
>At 04:22 PM 3/6/04 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
>>By far the most effective cure would be installing an outlet strip with
>>built in lightning protection for cable and electrical at each TV, and
>>running the cable in through each strip. Be sure the strip you purchase
>>grounds the CATV jacks directly to the neutral of the power line. ALL
>>devices must power from that strip.
>For a guy who is obviously so into TV/home theater, etc., such strips
>should be an easy sell.
I went to a high-end music/home theatre store the other day to kill
some time since I was early for picking up my wife at the airport.
They had some very nice power strips. 12 protected and filtered
AC outlets with a half-dozen protected F-connector RF ports.
Plus some LEDs to show 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 VAC and
four or five to show current. Looked pretty nice for the ham station
until I saw that the price was $250 for a lousy power strip!
I am in the WRONG business!
John W0UN
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