[RFI] Metricom wireless network

dj2001 at mn.rr.com dj2001 at mn.rr.com
Sat Mar 27 14:15:21 EST 2004

Ok, I went up to one of the boxes hanging from the street light and 
wrote down the name with the aid of my Nikon binoculars.  It is by 
Metricom.  Check out the link below.



>Hi John, dident recognize you with the new/old call.
>The boxes according to the power company guys I talked to are not 
>the same ones for reading the meters.  They are bigger square metal 
>units mounted on power poles, these are small white things hanging 
>from the light standards with antennas hanging under them, unless I 
>was fed some incorrect information.  I should take my binoculars out 
>and read the lable underneath and take a picture too.  By the way 
>how do the meters get the signal to the receivers?  I don't see an 
>antenna anywhere on my meter.
>>Hi Dale -
>>I believe the boxes you are referring to are very much in use for their
>>designed purpose - remote reading of utility meters.
>>John  W0DC
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <dj2001 at mn.rr.com>
>>To: <rfi at contesting.com>
>>Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 3:52 AM
>>Subject: RE: [RFI] Bush and BPL
>>>      only
>>>   >they will involve broadband wireless access points and future
>>>   >technology.  I  don't believe this is showing up on anyone's radar
>>>   >screen yet.
>>>   They tried that around here and the company went BR.  The boxes with
>>>   the little antennas are still hanging on the light standards.  i
>>>   should get a pix and post it just for fun.
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