[RFI] RFI From Hell

edoc kd4e at arrl.net
Sun Mar 28 15:56:38 EST 2004

> To review: 
> -RFI is 24/7, fundamental frequency on 3-4 Mhz. 
> -Only abated (temporarily) by HEAVY RAIN 
> -Cable TV company disavows any culpability. 
> -Utility Co. disavows any culpability. 
> Sincerely,
> Joe, W1GFH/6 

Well, if it is from outside of your home and carried by
incoming lines have you considered running a KW AM in
close proximity to the suspect lines?

Since those probably responsible refuse to act responsibly
it is your "duty" to assist them -- legally, of course.

If it leaks out then it may well "leak" back in --
shouldn't take long for the howls of protest from
neighbors, or the massive failure of some cable or
power company switch to identify the culprit!


I think this methodology is an artifact of listening
to the "Timtron" WA1HLR on 75M one too many times as
a teen!

Seriously ...

Some kind of diode action may be suspected given the variation
with temperature/time of day and water helping.

If you disconnect the TV cable from your house and pull it
back well away from the side of your house does the noise
stop?  Could be a bad ground that is improved by the flow
of water.

Also, what about a security system or file alarm?  The fire
detector/alarm system in our soon to be replace mobile home
generates tons of RFI.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
West Central Florida
Op. Atlas, Drake, Hallicrafters, TenTec ...
p.s. Linux-incompatible hardware is defective!

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