[RFI] Wasted and Useful Bandwidth

Bill Turner wrt at dslextreme.com
Sat May 1 10:21:49 EDT 2004

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 10:57:06 -0700, Ward Silver wrote:

>Why do you think car manufacturers support racing?  Not so we can
>all go 300 mph in less than 10 seconds, but one reason is certainly to let
>the motivated experimenters try out new ideas and materials.  Yeah, and to
>sell motor oil and chew, too...


I'm trying to think of a new idea or material that has come out of auto
racing.  The only one that comes to mind is those ridiculous spoilers on
the trunk of the family sedan.  

If there are others, they are such low profile I can't think of them.
Has nothing to do with ham radio anyway (this still is the RFI
reflector, right?)   :-) 

Bill, W6WRT
QSLs via LoTW

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